Arduboy2 Library  6.0.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 Arduboy2.cppThe Arduboy2Base and Arduboy2 classes and support objects and definitions
 Arduboy2.hThe Arduboy2Base and Arduboy2 classes and support objects and definitions
 Arduboy2Audio.cppThe Arduboy2Audio class for speaker and sound control
 Arduboy2Audio.hThe Arduboy2Audio class for speaker and sound control
 Arduboy2Beep.cppClasses to generate simple square wave tones on the Arduboy speaker pins
 Arduboy2Beep.hClasses to generate simple square wave tones on the Arduboy speaker pins
 Arduboy2Core.cppThe Arduboy2Core class for Arduboy hardware initilization and control
 Arduboy2Core.hThe Arduboy2Core class for Arduboy hardware initilization and control
 Arduboy2Data.cppConstant data definintions for the Arduboy2 and Arduboy2Base classes
 Sprites.cppA class for drawing animated sprites from image and mask bitmaps
 Sprites.hA class for drawing animated sprites from image and mask bitmaps
 SpritesB.cppA class for drawing animated sprites from image and mask bitmaps. Optimized for small code size
 SpritesB.hA class for drawing animated sprites from image and mask bitmaps. Optimized for small code size
 SpritesCommon.hCommon header file for sprite functions