Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CArduboy2 | The main functions provided for writing sketches for the Arduboy, including text output |
CArduboy2Audio | Provide speaker and sound control |
CArduboy2Base | The main functions provided for writing sketches for the Arduboy, minus text output |
CArduboy2Core | Lower level functions generally dealing directly with the hardware |
CBeepPin1 | Play simple square wave tones using speaker pin 1 |
CBeepPin2 | Play simple square wave tones using speaker pin 2 |
CPoint | An object to define a single point for collision functions |
CPrint | The Arduino Print class is available for writing text to the screen buffer |
CRect | A rectangle object for collision functions |
CSprites | A class for drawing animated sprites from image and mask bitmaps |
CSpritesB | A class for drawing animated sprites from image and mask bitmaps. Optimized for small code size |