Go to the documentation of this file.
19 TCCR3B = (bit(WGM32) | bit(CS31));
70 TC4H = highByte(count);
71 OCR4C = lowByte(count);
static void noTone()
Stop a tone that is playing on speaker pin 2.
static void tone(uint16_t count)
Play a tone on speaker pin 2 continually, until replaced by a new tone or stopped.
static void begin()
Set up the hardware.
static uint8_t duration
The counter used by the timer() function to time the duration of a tone played on speaker pin 2.
static void timer()
Handle the duration that a tone on speaker pin 2 plays for.
static void noTone()
Stop a tone that is playing.
static uint8_t duration
The counter used by the timer() function to time the duration of a tone.
static void tone(uint16_t count)
Play a tone continually, until replaced by a new tone or stopped.
Classes to generate simple square wave tones on the Arduboy speaker pins.
static void begin()
Set up the hardware for playing tones using speaker pin 2.
static void timer()
Handle the duration that a tone plays for.